
app and posters design process by Ivan Katsarov

Testing icons in on a footage

Testing the way graphics work with the video. I have added a white background under the graphic, that has a little bit of feather so it can blend nicely with the video. I guess that the colour of this additional graphic background will depend on the colour of the graphic and the natural light of the video.
The footage itself has a filter that serves to boost the feeling of the atmosphere.

Mood visualization

These are the original drawings of the moods I intend to use. I will use these graphics as instances to create animated gifs and use them in AfterEffects as mood visualizations.

These are the original drawings of the moods I intend to use. I will use these graphics as instances to create animated gifs and use them in AfterEffects as mood visualisations. These might change meaning in the future depending on the presentation purposes.

mood icon for 'angry'

mood icon for ‘angry’

mood icon for 'cheerful'

mood icon for ‘cheerful’

mood icon for 'confused'

mood icon for ‘confused’

mood icon for 'cool'

mood icon for ‘cool’

mood icon for 'upset'

mood icon for ‘upset’

mood icon for 'thinking'

mood icon for ‘thinking’

mood icon for 'stressed'

mood icon for ‘stressed’

mood icon for 'smart'

mood icon for ‘smart’

mood icon for 'tired'

mood icon for ‘tired’

mood icon for 'romantic'

mood icon for ‘romantic’

mood icon for 'rich'

mood icon for ‘rich’

mood icon for 'sad'

mood icon for ‘sad’

mood icon for 'peaceful'

mood icon for ‘peaceful’

mood icon for 'lucky'

mood icon for ‘lucky’

mood icon for 'lonely'

mood icon for ‘lonely’

mood icon for 'happy'

mood icon for ‘happy’

mood icon for 'dizzy'

mood icon for ‘dizzy’

mood icon for 'depressed'

mood icon for ‘painful’

I think that the icons came out nice. They are understandable and distinguishable enough. The animation really improves the overall feeling of the icons, it complements and supports the concept.